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Return to work coaching

Know You More coaching solutions help facilitate a smooth and confident transition for employees returning to work after extended periods of leave

Contact us
Partner with Know You More to provide the highest level of support during challenging career gaps, whether due to maternity leave, sabbaticals or illness.

Work with us to co-create a bespoke coaching programme, select the right coaches, and deliver sessions on-demand via our digital platform.

Our platform can be integrated with your existing provision, giving you complete oversight on delivery and allowing you to easily measure the impact of coaching in your organisation.

Explore our platform

Measure the ROI of return to work coaching

Employers who recognise that career returners may need some guidance to live up to their full potential, show a commitment to people development. This in turn strengthens employee loyalty and increases retention of vital talent.
76% of employees have found coaching helpful during periods of transition.
80% of people who receive coaching report increased self-confidence

Why choose us to deliver your return to work coaching

Tailored programmes
Our team will work with you to design effective coaching programmes that are tailored to your unique people development needs.
Fully managed coaching
We take care of every aspect of your coaching provision - onboarding, matching, delivery and reporting. You can work with our coaching community, host your own internal coaches, or amix of both, using intuitive technology to bring everyone together.
Person-centric approach
Unlike AI powered coaching apps, our delivery is enabled by technology but rooted in the irreplaceable human element that makes coaching one of the most powerful development experiences available.
Employee benefit
Offering a professional coaching solution for your employees is a great benefit for your team.

What our returning to work coaching clients say

“The Know You More coaches have already supported many of my managers by providing a supported ‘back to work’ programme following maternity that helps them excel in their role. My own experience of coaching with Know You More has been excellent. Without question, the KYM coaching sessions have made me a better leader.”

What return to work coaching delivers

  • Shorter career progression time for the returner and renewed confidence in their abilities and skills.
  • An opportunity to embed learning derived from life experiences in the returner’s work, and the ability to share it within the organisation
  • A framework to retain talent, prevent skill gaps and maintain employee engagement.

How our coaching works

Co-designing the coaching experience
Based on the outcomes you want to achieve, we work with you to design your coaching programme and set your measurement metrics
Creating the perfect coaching relationship
Your employees are prepared for their experience and matched to carefully selected coaches. You can onboard your internal coaches or access our award-winning community.
The coaching conversation
Coachees set their goals and work with their coach to develop actionable plans. Coaches support the learning experience with guidance, personalised resources and reflection support.
Measuring the impact
Each coaching experience is measured for its impact on the individual and organisational level. Coachees will leave their programme with a 6-12 months personal development plan.

The impact we create together

For every client we work with, we dedicate our own resources to help young adults from all backgrounds and communities thrive. Through our social reinvestment initiatives, we deliver free coaching to support social mobility, softs kill development, and career readiness.

Our mission

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