Coaching for Wellbeing

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Coaching for wellbeing was initially created to support colleagues facing challenges resulting from the pandemic. As the pressures continue to impact people across the system, the offer continues to be open to all colleagues in Health, Social Care, and Social Work in Scotland to access this coaching support.

How are you feeling now? Is it time for you to focus on your own health and wellbeing?

Has your confidence in delivering your role been impacted due to pressures at work or in your private life?

Are you a leader who wants to support your colleagues or team members?

If the answer to any one of these questions is “Yes”, you may benefit from two hours of free coaching, designed specifically to support all Health, Social Care, and Social Work colleagues across Scotland.

What is coaching and how could it help me?

Coaching is a safe, confidential, enabling and developmental relationship which is tailored to your specific needs, style and context. Your coach will walk alongside you and support you to explore, understand and act on whatever is important for you.

Coaching enables you to draw on and make the most of your own strengths, experience, skills and resources.

It will offer you a safe space to reflect on what is going on for you right now with support to explore and make positive changes.
Here are some comments from recent participants about their coaching experience:
“It has been a transformational experience, which saved me professionally during the most difficult time of my career.”

“It raised my awareness of issues that were affecting my professional practice and gave me tools to manage in these difficult times.”

“This experience has not only given positive steps for my personal life; it has given me a platform to work on that is invaluable as my position as a support worker.”

What can this service offer you?

This coaching service is designed to support you with any of the issues you are facing during these challenging times and, because we know that work and life are not separate, there will be space to talk about personal as well as professional issues. This includes support in building your resilience, and helping you take action to improve your wellbeing. Where appropriate, you can also explore how you lead and support others.
The offer: Two hours of coaching

Your coach will guide you through a process that will start by helping you make sense of what is happening for you right now, and to clarify what you want to focus on and the difference you intend to make for yourself through coaching.

They will work alongside you to help you achieve your goal, tailoring the journey to suit you by using the process, skills and tools that will support you best. There is no ‘one right way’ for this kind of dialogue to work. You and your coach can work together with as much or as little structure as you wish and decide the balance of reflection and pragmatic action that suits your needs.

You will also be supported to develop some self-coaching skills to recognise and manage triggers as well as identifying your existing strengths that have helped you face challenging times in the past.
You are likely to conclude your coaching with new ways of understanding yourself and your situation, clarity as to how you can play to your strengths and further strategies available to you for staying on track.

You will meet your coach online using a virtual face-to-face tool that suits you and your coach. You can divide the two hours available to you however works best to achieve your aim.

What information will we need from you?

The coaching service will be managed by NHS Education for Scotland in partnership with Know You More a digital coaching organisation who will provide the website for you to sign up and be matched with a coach.

When you apply you will be asked to share some information about yourself to help us find the right coach for you and to help us to assess the effectiveness of the service.
All personally identifiable information will be held in strict confidence and will not be shared with any other parties. The content of your coaching sessions will remain strictly confidential between you and your coach.More information on how your data will be handled will be available if you apply.

How do I get started?

The 3-step registration process is outlined below. (Click the + for more info on each section)
1. Complete the 'Register here' section at the bottom of this page
Read and complete the information and press ‘Submit’.
2. Enrol on the Know You More website
You will be taken directly to our partner’s website to complete a profile and connect you with a coach. The website is designed to work on modern browsers for security reasons. If you have any difficulty accessing the link, please try by using another browser (such as Chrome) or a mobile or tablet device On this page (see image), enter your email address and a newly chosen password.
3. Complete and submit your profile
You will be taken directly to our partner’s website to complete a profile and connect you with a coach. The website is designed to work on modern browsers for security reasons. If you have any difficulty accessing the link, please try by using another browser (such as Chrome) or a mobile or tablet device On this page (see image), enter your email address and a newly chosen password.

Register here

We regret to inform you that the Coaching for Wellbeing service is permanently closed and we are unable to accept any further registrations.

The Coaching for Wellbeing team

Working together